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Marcella Kraybill-Greggo is a teacher, spiritual director, and dynamic participant in the wisdom school community. She lives in the Lehigh Valley, PA with her husband and daughter, and spent her early years in Tanzania, Africa as a child of a hospital administrator. Marcella is Director of the Spiritual Direction Graduate Certificate Program at Moravian Theological Seminary as well as Director of Spirituality Programs at Moravian. Marcella holds a Masters in Social Work, a certificate in Spiritual Direction, is trained as an Ignatian Spiritual Director, and has a certificate as an InterPlay facilitator (body Wisdom practice). Marcella has facilitated multiple Wisdom schools, regularly offers ‘Embodied Training in the Practices of Wisdom’, facilitates Law of Three midwife groups and serves on the Wisdom Waypoints Board.
"Wisdom is not knowing more, but knowing with more of you, knowing deeper, carving and digging your being deeper and deeper so that it can receive more knowing."
- Cynthia Bourgeault.
If you desire Individual Wisdom sessions, work within a Wisdom group setting, or a Wisdom School/Retreat offering, a variety of Wisdom offerings are available
Both Individual and group
companioning are available....
Together we will listen for the direction the Spirit may be inviting...engaging our whole selves in this embodied listening to, for and with the Divine...engaging with our whole selves -- our minds, our hearts/emotions, and our body/our movement center.
"There is that in the soul which dwells in God and there is that in the soul by means of which God dwells in the soul"
- Anonymous author of The Cloud of Unknowing
If you are interested in Spiritual Formation that engages all of who you are... through time proven practices which invite living and opening to Mystery, Love, and the Cosmos -- Welcome! Come and join in the Practice.