Inner Task 1
Find your feet. Pause periodically throughout your day and come back to the sensations of the inside of your feet. Notice. Come back to the moment. BE HERE NOW.
Inner Task 2
Notice what you like and dislike through out your day. Notice your PREFERENCES, your inner 'judgements'. And, when you find yourself in 'like or dislike'...notice with curiosity...without any judgement, and just let it go. Return to the NOW. Come back to your feet.
Inner Task 3
Work from stillness; as you go about your day, use only the parts of your body that are really needed for the task you are doing. Notice if and when you are tensing up or involving parts of your body that are not needed for the task at hand. Simplify. Come back to your feet. BE HERE NOW.
Inner Task 4
Periodically as you go throughout your day, try using your non-dominant hand to do a normal life activity (like brushing your teeth or opening a door). What happens when you engage your non-dominant hand ? What do you notice? What 'wakes in you up'? Come back to the NOW. Be here.
Inner Task 5
Pause throughout your day and listen to the sounds of your life. Notice sounds that might be present all the time, but not noticed: the hum of the fridge, traffic, etc. Notice too the sounds that might be unique to the moment. Expand your awareness to tune into the whole vibrational field of your life. As you return to your daily task, see if you can bring this sense of expanded awareness with you. Notice what shifts, if anything with this awareness.
Inner Task 6
As you walk throughout your day, notice the ground rising up to meet you...with each step you take. Notice that each time you lift your foot...the ground is there to meet you as you take your one next step. Notice in sensation, the felt sense of 'being met'...with each step you take. What happens in you (f anything) you notice this? BE HERE NOW.
Conscious Practical Work
Conscious Practical work involves engaging an outer task (sweeping, raking, cooking) while holding an inner intention (aka to notice the sound of my I go about my external tasks). The purpose of holding an inner intention is to bring a quality of mindfulness and presence, conscious attention, to the task at hand. Conscious Work engages the movement intelligence center, bringing our body into the process of transformation.
· “We’ do [conscious work] because it is one of the most time-tested ways of transforming consciousness.” -- Cynthia Bourgeault.