Together we will listen for the direction the Spirit may be inviting by:
"The whole purpose of spiritual direction is to penetrate beneath the surface of a person’s life, to get behind the façade of conventional gestures and attitudes which one presents to the world, and to bring out inner spiritual freedom, inmost truth, which is what we call the likeness of the Divine in the soul."
- Thomas Merton
“The purpose of Group Spiritual Direction is to provide a place where individuals can experience what it means to be listened to and loved by others, so that they can learn to listen more attentively to the Holy in their daily lives, and be loved by God, becoming more available to spread grace and love throughout the world (p. 8)”
- Alice Fryling (from her book Seeking God together: An introduction to group spiritual direction)
Group Spiritual Direction is an opportunity to gather in a circle of 4 - 8 people to listen together for the ‘still small voice of God’ in the midst of the clamor, unknowing, and sea of change in life. Anchoring in a God who is the ‘same yesterday today and forever’ we will listen with and for each other as to how God might be leading us to ‘hold fast the hope’ in both our individual lives and in the lives of our beloved communities.
This offers a time for a deep spiritual pause, with embodied spiritual practices to ground ourselves in God, so that the connection of the spirit can be felt in profound and truly intimate ways despite geographic distance.
Logistically what this will mean:
* a monthly 2 hour spiritual listening circle
* a willingness to open our spiritual lives to share with others (at the level of your choosing), and a willingness to hold sacred space for others as they share
* a commitment to remember each other in between gatherings* a commitment to confidentiality
Go deeper into the life of the Spirit and learn to support the same attention to God in others. The Wisdom Infused Graduate Spiritual Direction Training Program at Moravian Seminary provides the contemplative training necessary to listen for the direction the Spirit is moving as you accompany another person’s life. When you graduate, you will have the theoretical foundation, practical skills, and personal transformation necessary to companion others in their spiritual journeys.
Graduate Certificate in Spiritual Direction Intensive Program (SDIP)
Graduate Certificate in Spiritual Direction