Logion 1
Yeshua said:
Whoever lives the interpretation of these words
Shall no longer taste death.
Logion 2
Yeshua said:
Whoever searches must continue to search
Until they find.
When they find, they will be disturbed;
and being disturbed,
they will marvel and will reign over All.
Logion 3
Yeshua said:
If those who guide you say
Look the kingdom is in the sky;
Then the birds are closer than you.
If they say: Look,
It is in the sea,
Then the fish already know it.
The kingdom is inside you,
And it is outside you.
When you know yourself, then you will be known,
And you will know that you are the child of the Living Father;
But if you do not know yourself,
You will live in vain
And you will be vanity.
Logion 4
Yeshua said:
An aged person will not hesitate to ask a seven-day-old infant
about the Place of Life, and that person will live.
Many of the first will make themselves last, and they will
become One.
Logion 5
Yeshua said:
Recognize what is in front of you,
and what is hidden from you will be revealed.
There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed.
Logion 6
His disciples questioned him:
“Should we fast? How should we pray? How should we give
alms? What rule of diet should we follow?
Yeshua said:
Stop lying.
Do not do that which is against your love.
You are naked before heaven.
What you hide will be revealed,
whatever is veiled will be unveiled.
Logion 7
Yeshua said:
Fortunate is the lion eaten by a human, for lion becomes human.
Unfortunate is the human eaten by a lion, for human becomes lion.
Logion 8
Yeshua said:
A human being is like a good fisherman who casts his net into the sea.
When he pulls it out, he finds a multitude of little fish.
Among them there is one fine, large fish.
Without hesitation, he keeps it and throws all the small fish back into the sea.
Those who have ears, let them hear!
Logion 9
Yeshua said:
Once a sower went out and sowed a handful of seeds.
Some fell on the road, and were eaten by the birds.
Some fell among the thorns, which smothered their growth,
and the worms devoured them.
Some fell among the rocks, and could not take root.
Others fell on fertile ground, and their fruits grew up towards heaven.
They produced sixty and one hundred-twenty units per measure.
Logion 10
Yeshua said:
I have sown fire upon the world,
and now I tend it to a blaze.
Logion 11
Yeshua said:
This sky will pass away,
and the one above it will also pass away.
The dead have no life,
and the living have no death.
On days when you ate what was dead,
you made it alive.
When you are in the light, what will you do?
When you were One, you created two.
But now that you are two, what will you do?
Logion 12
The disciples said to Yeshua:
“We know that you will leave us.
Who will be great among us then?”
Yeshua Told them:
When you find yourselves at that point,
go to James the Just:
All that concerns heaven and earth is his domain.
Logion 13
Yeshua said to his disciples:
What am I like, for you?
To what would you compare me?
Simon Peter said: “You are like a righteous angel.”
Matthew said: “You are like a wise philosopher.”
Thomas said: “Master, my mouth could never utter what you
are like.”
Yeshua told him:
I am no longer your Master, because you have drunk, and
become drunken, from the same bubbling source from
which I spring.
Then he took him aside, and said three words to him …
When Thomas returned to his companions, they questioned
him: “What did Yeshua tell you?”
Thomas answered: “If I told you even one of the things he said
to me, you would pick up stones and throw them at me.
And fire would come out those stones, and consume you.”
Logion 14
Yeshua said to them:
If you fast, you will be at fault.
If you pray, you will be wrong.
If you give to charity, you will corrupt your mind.
When you go into any land and walk through the countryside,
if they welcome you, eat whatever they offer you.
You can heal their sick.
It is not what goes into your mouth that defiles you,
it is what comes out of your mouth that defiles you.
Logion 15
Yeshua said:
When you see someone who was not born from a womb, then
prostrate yourselves and give worship, for this is your
Logion 16
Yeshua said:
People may think that I have come to bring peace to the world.
They do not know that I have come to sow division upon the
earth: fire, sword, war.
When there are five in a house, three will be against two, and
two against three; father against son and son against father.
And they will stand, and they will be alone and simple
Logion 17
Yeshua said:
I will give you that which no eye has seen,
no ear has heard,
no hand has touched,
and no human heart has conceived.
Logion 18
The disciples asked Yeshua:
“Tell us what will be our end?”
Yeshua Answered: What do you know of the beginning,
so that you now seek the end?
Where the beginning is, the end will also be.
Blessed are those who abide in the beginning,
for they will know the end and will not taste death.
Logion 19
Yeshua said:
Blessed is the one who Is before existing.
If you become my disciples and listen to my words,
these stones will serve you.
In paradise there are five trees
that do not change from summer to winter.
Their leaves do not fall. Whoever knows them will not taste death.
Logion 20
The disciples asked Yeshua:
“Tell us what is the Kingdom of Heaven like?”
He answered them: It is like a grain of mustard,
the tiniest of all seeds. When it falls upon well-plowed ground,
it becomes a great tree, where birds of heaven will come to rest.
Logion 21
Mary asked Yeshua:
“What are your disciples like?”
He answered: They are like little children
who have gone into a field that does not belong to them.
When the owners return and say: “Give us back our field!” they will remove their clothes, see themselves naked before the owners, and leave the field to them.
This is why I say:
If the master of the house knows that a thief is coming,
he will be vigilant and not allow the thief to break into the
house of his kingdom, or carry off his goods.
Thus you should be vigilant toward the world.
Strengthen yourselves with great energy
or the robbers will find a way to get to you.
The profits that you are counting on will be found by them.
May there be a wise person among you …
When the crop is ripe, he comes immediately
and harvests it with his sickle. Those who have ears, let them hear!
Logion 22
Yeshua saw some infants being nursed at the breast.
He said to his disciples:
These nursing infants are like those who enter the Kingdom.
The disciples asked him:
“Then shall we become as infants to enter into the Kingdom?”
Yeshua answered them:
When you make the two into One,
when you make the inner like the outer
and the high like the low;
when you make male and female into a single One,
so that the male is not male and the female is not female;
when you have eyes in your eyes,
a hand in your hand, a foot in your foot,
and an icon in your icon, then you shall enter into the Kingdom.
Logion 23
Yeshua said: I will choose one of you from a thousand
and two of you from ten thousand,
and they will stand as one, alone and simple [monakhos].
Logion 24
His disciples asked:
“Teach us about the place where you dwell,
for we must seek it.”
He told them: Those who have ears, let them hear!
There is light within people of light,
and they shine it upon the whole world.
If they do not shine it, what darkness!
Logion 25
Yeshua said:
Love your brother and sister as your soul;
protect them as you do the pupil of your eye.
Logion 26
Yeshua said:
You see the sliver in your brother’s eye,
but you do not see the log in your own eye.
When you remove the log from your eye,
then you will see clearly enough to remove the sliver from your brother’s eye.
Logion 27
Yeshua said:
If you do not fast from the world,
you will not find the Kingdom.
If you do not celebrate the Sabbath as a Sabbath,
you will not know the Father.
Logion 28
Yeshua said:
I stood in the midst of the world
and revealed myself to them in flesh.
I found them all intoxicated.
Not one of them was thirsty
and my soul grieved for the children of humanity,
for they are blind in their hearts.
They do not see.
They came naked into the world,
and naked they will leave it.
At this time, they are intoxicated.
When they have vomited their wine,
they will return to themselves.
Logion 29
Yeshua said:
If flesh came into being because of spirit,
it is a wonder.
But if spirit came into being because of flesh,
it is a wonder of wonders.
Yet the greatest of wonders is this:
How is it that this Being, which Is,
inhabits this nothingness?
Logion 30
Yeshua said:
Where there are three gods,
they are gods.
Where there are two or one,
I am with them.
Logion 31
Yeshua said:
No one is a prophet in his own village
No one is a physician in his own home.
Logion 32
Yeshua said:
A strong city built upon a high mountain
cannot be destroyed
cannot be hidden.
Logion 33
Yeshua said:
What you hear with your ears,
tell it to other ears and proclaim it from the rooftops.
No one lights a lamp so that it will be put under a basket
or hidden somewhere. Rather, one puts it upon a stand
so that all who enter and leave may see the light.
Logion 34
Yeshua said:
When a blind person leads another blind person,
they both fall into a pit.
Logion 35
Yeshua said:
One cannot capture the house of the strong
except by tying their hands.
Then everything can be overturned.
Logion 36
Yeshua said:
Do not worry from morning to evening,
or from evening to morning,
about having clothes to wear.
Logion 37
His disciples asked:
“When will be the day that you appear to us?”
“When will be the day of our vision?”
Yeshua replied:
On the day when you are naked
as newborn infants
who trample their clothing,
then you will see the Son of the Living One
and you will have no more fear.
Logion 38
Yeshua said:
Often you have wanted to hear
the words I speak to you now.
No one else can say them to you,
and the days will come
when you seek me
and do not find me.
Logion 39
Yeshua said:
The Pharisees and the scribes
have received the keys of knowledge
and hidden them.
They did not go within,
and those who wanted to go there
were prevented by them.
As for you, be as alert as the serpent
and as simple as the dove.
Logion 40
Yeshua said:
A grapevine planted away from the Father
has no vitality.
It will be torn up by its roots
and will perish.
Logion 41
Yeshua said:
Whoever has something in hand
will be given more.
Whoever has nothing,
even the little they have
will be taken away.
Logion 42
Yeshua said:
Be passersby.
Logion 43
The disciples asked him:
“Who are you to say these things to us?”
Yeshua replied:
Do you not know me from what I say to you?
Or have you become like those Judeans:
If they love the tree,
they despise the fruit.
If they love the fruit,
They despise the tree.
Logion 44
Yeshua said:
Whoever blasphemes against the Father
will be forgiven,
and whoever blasphemes against the Son
will be forgiven.
But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit
will not be forgiven,
either on earth or in heaven.
Logion 45
Yeshua said:
Grapes are not picked from thornbushes
nor figs from thistles,
for they do not give fruit.
The good offer goodness
from the secret of their heart.
The perverse offer perversity
from the secret of their heart.
That which is expressed
is what overflows from the heart.
Logion 46
Yeshua said:
From Adam to John the Baptist,
no one born of woman
is higher than John the Baptist.
Thus his eyes will not be destroyed.
But I have said:
Whoever among you becomes small
will know the Kingdom, and be higher than John.
Logion 47
Yeshua said:
A man cannot ride two horses
nor bend two bows.
A servant cannot serve two masters,
for he will honor one and disdain the other.
No one drinks an old wine
and then desires a new one.
New wine is not put into old wineskins,
for they will crack.
Old wine is not put into new skins,
for it will spoil.
A patch of old cloth is not sewn
onto a new garment,
for it will tear.
Logion 48
Yeshua said:
If you make peace with each other
in a single house,
then they can say to the mountain: “Move!”
And it will move.
Logion 49
Yeshua said:
Blessed are you, the whole ones and the chosen ones.
You will find the Kingdom,
for you came from there,
and you will return.
Logion 50
Yeshua said:
If they ask you from where you come,
We were born of the Light,
there where Light is born of Light.
It holds true and is revealed within their image.
If they ask you who you are,
say: We are its children,
the beloved of the Father, the Living One.
If they ask you what is the sign of the Father in you, say:
It is movement and it is repose.
Logion 51
His disciples said to him:
“When will the dead be at rest?”
“When will the new world come?”
He answered them:
What you are waiting for has already come,
but you do not see it.
Logion 52
His disciples said to him:
“Twenty-four prophets have spoken in Israel,
and they all spoke of you.”
He said to them:
You have disregarded the Living One
who is in your presence,
and you have spoken of the dead.
Logion 53
His disciples asked him:
“Is circumcision useful or not?”
He replied:
If it were useful, fathers would engender sons born circumcised
from their mothers.
Rather, it is the circumcision in spirit that is truly useful.
Logion 54
Blessed are you, the poor,
for yours is the Kingdom of Heaven.
Logion 55
Yeshua said:
Whoever cannot free themselves from their father and their
cannot become my disciple.
Whoever cannot free themselves from their brother and sister
and does not bear the cross as I do
is not worthy of me.
Logion 56
Yeshua said:
Whoever knows the world
discovers a corpse.
And whoever discovers a corpse
cannot be contained by the world.
Logion 57
Yeshua said:
The Kingdom of the Father is like the man
who has some good seed.
His enemy came at night and sowed weeds
among the good seed.
The man would not allow them to pull up the weeds,
saying,”I fear you might pull up the wheat as well.”
Indeed, at harvest time, the weeds will be conspicuous.
They will be pulled up and burned.
Logion 58
Yeshua said:
Blessed are those who have undergone ordeals.
They have entered into life.
Logion 59
Yeshua said:
Look to the Living One
while you are alive.
If you wait until you are dead,
you will search in vain for the vision.
Logion 60
They saw a Samaritan carrying a lamb,
entering into Judea.
He said to his disciples:
What will the man do with the lamb?
They answered:
“He will kill it and eat it.”
He told them:
As long as it is alive, he will not eat it,
but only if he kills it and it becomes a cadaver.
They said: “He cannot do otherwise.”
He told them:
Seek a place in Repose.
Do not become cadavers,
least you be eaten.
From: The Gospel of Thomas, Jean-Yves Leloup, Copyright 1986 Editions Albin Michel S.A. (French Edition) First U.S. edition published in 2005 by Inner Traditions Rochester, Vermont
WISDOM | marcellak2@aol.com